Parental involvement

KIST was founded upon the belief that education is a collaborative effort between a school and a child’s family. We believe that a good school is defined not only by excellence in academic areas, but also through a warm, caring environment, strong social relationships and a solid relationship between the school and students’ homes. Part of this relationship is built through parents supporting at home the learning that takes place in the classroom, and part of it is built through the commitment by parents to the areas of the school that support our educational programs. We believe that parents/guardians who are actively involved in their children’s education and in the activities of the school act as excellent role models for their children and helps them build connections with the Action component in the PYP; Community and Service in the MYP; and Community, Action, Service in the DP.
KIST relies heavily on parental support. There is a strong expectation that parents will be involved in their children’s education across all levels. As children move up through the school, it is often the case that parents spend less and less time focusing on their children’s school life for various reasons. As children get older, we assume that they have developed sufficient knowledge and skills that enable them to function more independently. This may be so to some extent. We believe, however, that continued parental involvement is vital for children as they move into adolescence after entering the secondary school. In addition, because of the academic demands of the Diploma Programme in Grade 11 and 12, parental support is especially important.
Parents are encouraged to take part in their children’s school life by:

  • Ensuring that children have the correct books and equipment each day.
  • Showing interest by asking questions at the end of the day to find out what the children did at school.
  • Encouraging discussion at home.
  • Monitoring homework and study habits.
  • Ensuring that children have access to a suitable study environment at home (including the provision of a computer with Internet and e-mail access as well as a printer).
  • Setting time limits for watching television, playing computer games, chatting on line with friends etc.
  • Regularly checking for messages from teachers and notes from the school.
  • Attending school information and curriculum explanation evenings.
  • Participating in school excursions.
  • Reading the school newsletter.
  • Communicating regularly with teachers and asking questions.
  • Completing duty days as part of the School Support Program.
  • Volunteering for additional duties at school.
  • Taking an active role in Friends of KIST through attendance at meetings and participation in events.
  • Attending, assisting and organizing school events including the annual School Festival.
  • Attending Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews to check children’s progress.
  • Attending Student Led Conferences that are part of each student’s assessment cycle.
  • Becoming a class parent organizer to assist teachers facilitate class events etc.
  • Ensuring that children have a goal for the future and know what they must do in order to achieve that goal.

We appreciate the fact that many parents/guardians have their own work and personal commitments. We look forward, however, to the continued support of all families across all levels of the school community in helping us to help your children.