Academic scholarships

In line with our mission to provide a high-quality education to academically motivated children from diverse backgrounds, KIST provides monetary awards through two separate scholarship programs that are offered to hardworking students who meet particular criteria. The criteria for receipt of the awards are determined in line with the school’s guiding statements.


KIST Scholars' Awards

KIST Scholars' Awards recognize students in Grades 7 through 12 for their commitment to our school mission through dedication to their studies and compassion for others, and by acting as role models for other students. The awards are offered in the form of scholarships to students who make significant contributions to our school community by demonstrating qualities that truly represent the spirit of the school. Students in their first year of enrollment at KIST are not eligible to apply for a KIST Scholars' Award.

There are four categories of KIST Scholars' Awards as outlined below:

Category Award
Platinum Award Full scholarship covering 100% of the tuition fees for one school year
Gold Award Partial scholarship covering 75% of the tuition fees for one school year
Silver Award Partial scholarship covering 50% of the tuition fees for one school year
Bronze Award Partial scholarship covering 25% of the tuition fees for one school year

Awards cover tuition fees only for the period of one school year. All other school fees are required in full.

KIST Scholars' Awards are determined according to student attainment against set criteria. Although the process is competitive, there is no minimum/maximum number of awards offered each year; if there are no suitable candidtaes in one or more categories, no awards will be offered in those categories.

Selection criteria relate to a number of areas, as follows, based on the performance of candidates during the year of application. Awards are granted to students who:

  • are academically motivated high achievers.
  • attend school on a regular basis with few absences.
  • fulfill their Service/CAS requirements.
  • behave appropriately and adhere to school rules and policies.
  • contribute to creating a positive learning environment.
  • are good role models.
  • have parents who are supportive and cooperative and participate in school events and other activities.

Information regarding the awards and the application process is distributed to families after the start of the school year. 


KIST 'Learning for Life' University Support Scholarships

The KIST 'Learning for Life' University Support Scholarships are offered to students who, through hard work and diligence, achieve high scores in their final DP examinations, with the intent to continue their studies at university and eventually contribute to society at large, while maintaining their sense of inquiry and the desire to continue learning throughout their lives.

It is important to emphasize that achieving high DP scores alone is not our goal. Our mission at KIST is to “provide academically motivated children from diverse cultural and social backgrounds with a high-quality education in a safe and supportive environment in order to develop competent, academic individuals with high moral character who make meaningful contributions to our global community.” Our ultimate goal, therefore, is for students to gain the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in higher education and in their lives beyond, in addition to developing high moral character. The DP score simply serves as an internationally recognized benchmark that gauges students’ achievement in these areas, and is a strong indicator of their abilities for future university and job applications.

 Three categories of scholarships are awarded as follows:

Scholarship Points attained Amount
Gold Award 45 points 2,000,000 yen
Silver Award 44 points 1,000,000 yen 
Bronze Award 42 - 43 points 500,000 yen

In addition to DP scores, recipients must meet the following criteria:

  • Graduation from KIST – Students must complete Grade 12 at KIST.
  • University enrollment – Students must enter university within one year of graduation (students taking a gap year will remain eligible the following year).
  • Attendance requirements – Student absences, late arrivals, and early departures must not exceed 5% of the total number of school days in Grade 12. Exceptions may be granted for contagious illnesses (e.g., influenza), hospitalization, or bereavement.
  • Behavior and conduct – Students must have demonstrated appropriate behavior and full adherence to the dress code throughout Grades 11 and 12, with no documented infractions.
  • Academic integrity – Students must have maintained a record of academic honesty during Grades 11 and 12, with no documented infractions.
  • Late submissions - During their two years in Grades 11 and 12, students must have no late submission of any assessments with the exception of missed assessments due to documented illness or special circumstances.

We hope that all students will strive to achieve a scholarship by continuing to study with dedication right up to the end of their senior year.