The PYP Exhibition
In the final year of the Primary Years Programme (PYP), all students participate in the PYP exhibition. This represents a significant event in the life of a PYP school community. The exhibition project requires that each student demonstrates engagement with the five essential elements of the programme: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action. The inquiry, which encompasses a variety of subject domains, is conducted in the spirit of personal and shared responsibility culminating into a summative assessment activity. It is an opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the learner profile that have been developing throughout their engagement with the PYP. We look on the exhibition to celebrate the student's learning before moving from the PYP into the Middle Years Programme (MYP).
The PYP exhibition has a number of key purposes including the following:
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At KIST, the PYP exhibition takes place towards the end of Grade 5. The exhibition unit is developed under the transdisciplinary theme: How we organize ourselves. Students are required to engage in a collaborative, inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues or problems. The conceptual understanding for the inquiry selected must be of sufficient scope and significance to warrant a detailed investigation by all students. Issues investigated in previous years have included global warming, discrimination, racism, pollution, healthy lifestyles and so on. The event is held in the evening to allow full parent participation so that students are able to present their findings to their families and other visitors.
The MYP Personal Project Exhibition
The MYP Personal Project Exhibition is held during the winter term. It provides an opportunity for students in Grade 10 to present their research findings as part of their Personal Project, the culminating experience for the Middle Years Programme. On the day of the exhibition, students set up individual booths where they can introduce their topic to parents and other visitors.